Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Google Reader

At first, I have to admit, I was not a big fan of Google Reader!  Now, I am beginning to feel otherwise.  Since I have been spending more time using the tool, I am really finding it more and more helpful.  Not only do I find following other's blogs much easier but I have also found out that I like the Explore and Recommended Items as well.  There have been a few interesting reads recommended to me.  This however, does lead to a problem.  DISTRACTION!  I have discovered that there have been times when I am so far off topic, I forget what I was originally wanting to explore based on these recommendations!

Don't miss out on the other tools Google has to offer.  Go under the "more" tab and click "even more" and see what other tools there are waiting to be discovered.  Or just click here!

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