Saturday, April 28, 2012

Digital Story- final project

Here is the final version of my digital story.  Much different from my rough draft!  I decided to focus specifically on one comprehension strategy, visualizing, because that is what I plan on doing with my new set of students this coming week.  My new group of fourth graders have a very wide range of abilities.  I have 5 special ed students, 3 SRBI students, many "average learners", and three very advanced learners.  I will first show this video to all of the students but then also use it as a tool to reinforce visualizing with only those students who need addition support.  As I progress throughout other reading comprehension strategies in the coming weeks, I plan on making additional videos and including them on my Weebly site. I hope they enjoy it! 

Nets for teachers- 2, 3

What do you think of it? 


  1. Nice project! Do you mind if I use this? Visualizing is a complex strategy to teach. You did a great job explaining this strategy!

  2. Hi Kelly,

    I like how you focused on just one reading strategy for your digital story. I also think it was very smart to include students' participation when using it in class.

  3. Great job Kelly. I love the incorporation of early young children reading. The photos where very specific and interesting.
