Friday, March 30, 2012

Alan November

Alan November's 2nd edition of Empowering Students with technology encourages educators to deepen students ability to analyze, create, and investigate using critical thinking skills and technology.  The text provides many examples of e-ventures that can be modified to meet the needs of all students. 

Interesting Points to Note...
  • Different search engines produce different results (a fact that I never realized because I only use Google).  In the future, I plan on creating lessons where students use a particular search engine to search a given topic.  The web-sites can be compared and contrasted and further analyzed so information can be evaluated.
  • Using New Literacies can be a tool to improve parental involvement.  Videoconferencing and blogging can be used to allow parents more opportunities to be involved in daily classroom activities and increase knowledge of what it happening within the classroom.  
  • Integrating New Literacies doesn't necessarily depend on the number or quality of technologies available within any given school.  It does depend on the quality of the use of the technologies and the planning that goes with using the technologies available.
  • Technology can empower and motivate students.  It connects them with an authentic and global audience.  Critical thinking and global communication skills are greatly enhanced.   My personal concern is protecting children while these connections are being made.  I have also had parents address concerns related to protecting identities.  
  • Educators should not be afraid to use new technologies.  Children will usually learn technologies quicker than adults and can often teach the teacher how to use it.  Educators should focus on the classroom management aspect not necessarily the technological aspect.  I also think that this could be a great opportunity to increase community involvement.  Try getting volunteers into the class (maybe high school or college students needing community service hours) that can help with the technology side.
  • Many students need guidance with learning activities.  Student-centered learning opportunities are great but students need direction and a real-world problem to solve with teacher guidance to support their learning with technology.  Control can be shifted to the student but it does come with barriers and limitation to an extent.
Classroom Lesson Idea:  Fourth Grade- Connecticut History
I know students in the fourth grade in my school district (I think it is throughout CT) study the history of Connecticut as part of the curriculum.  To integrate technology into this topic of study, I would connect my students to members of Congress and having them write letters discussing personal topics of  interest.  Students could also set up a Skype session to have questions answered.

Another possibility
Students in my school are currently very concerned with the possibility of the school closing at the end of this school year.  It is constant chatter throughout my building between the students, they are fearful of going to a new school.  Teachers can set up videoconferencing with the Mayor and Board of Education members to discuss their concerns.  I wish this is something that I could incorporate in my arena but with the guidelines I must adhere to this is not an option for me!

Check out this video from Alan November and The Spring Branch Plan.  
     Do you agree with Alan November's philosophy?  In your teaching environment are you concerned with student engagement, global empathy, and preparing students for life success?
Personally, I agree that schools need to change to accommodate today's world.  We need to teach our children in a manner that they thrive to become lifelong learners and are prepared with the necessary skills to succeed in tomorrow's world (whatever that may be!).


  1. Kelly that is a great video you found on YouTube. I enjoyed watching it. I agree and I am concerned about with many of his points about student engagement and preparing students to be life long learners who love to learn... However, all I thought about while watching this video is State Standards and Common Core and the enourmous push to meet those needs. I guess my question is how do I make the two (technology focused/centered teaching and curriculum requirements that are assessed through state testings) meet? As one teacher where do I begin??

    1. Sara, I completely agree with you. Meeting all of the needs of the students and the standards is a huge task we take on as educators. The one thing that I have learned in my 10+ years as a teacher is that I can only do what I can do when my students are with me. If I use those moments to provide the most engaging learning activities as possible then I have succeeded!

  2. Sara, I feel the same way as you.
    It was a great video Kelly, thank you for sharing.
    Technology has to be incorporated through our teaching but my question is, what about those schools who do not have the equipment. There are schools that do not have an interactive white board in their classrooms. Some schools do not have computers for their students. So what do we do in these situations? In my opinion this is where the politicians need to make a difference and help our schools.
